About Archton

What we do

Archton works with Enterprise Architects and Open Source practitioners to develop a cloud-first approach to architecting solutions.

Our years of experience in software development and cloud infrastructure provisioning have given us specific insights into the challenges of contemporary I.T. governance, particularly in the new world of cloud service provision and containerisation.

Software development today is more than a matter of writing code: it is about assembling dynamic systems that drive strategic advantage and minimise risk.

Based in Gauteng province, South Africa, we have specialist expertise to operate at the intersection of architecture design and I.T. governance. We work with our clients to manage the risk of unconstrained agility, contain costs, and unlock the value of cloud in the process.

What does Archton mean?

The name Archton is pronounced "Ark-ton" and it is derived from the ancient Greek word for an architect: ἀρχιτέκτων (arkhitéktōn), meaning "master builder".


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